the first one

Christmas 2015

Hi guys!

Welcome to my blog! I’m kind of really happy that you even decided to check out my page!  Thank you so much (:

A little while back, my friend commented on one of the photos that I posted and said that I should start a blog.  When I read that comment, I thought, haha…she’s so sweet…no one is going to care to read about our sweet little simple life! So, if that actually turns out to be the case, then, hey Chelly! This one’s for you (;

Then I started thinking;  Hmm maybe I really could make a semi-awesome blog.  And maybe people really would want to stay tuned-in to our life.  And maybe -hopefully- I could offer help to my interested readers.

So, I was going to make a decision, I started making a decision, and then decision made (That Baby Mama reference was also for you, Chelsea).  And here we are!  I am sort of super excited to share our adventures with you on here.  Sometimes I take photos of our simple adventures, and sometimes my husband and I edit little videos of them.  I hope you enjoy!

There’s more I plan to do on here in the long run, in order to reach out, help people, and touch lives in a good way.  I know good things take time, so for now, we’re just going to keep it simple.  

Thank you for reading simple + speraw!